Student Development Program
Duration: 2 hours (each seminar)
The price of one seminar is 2000 rub. (1000 rub. for students)
The price of the course (5 seminars) is 5000 rub.. (2500 rub. for students)
How can emotional intelligence increase your chances to find a job?
Today emotional intelligence (EI) is one of the most important professional tools. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, EI has been included in the top 10 most important skills by 2020.
A well-developed sense of empathy, an ability to adjust to a new situation, control emotions and build communications with others—that’s what can help you get your first job offer. Our course will help you obtain these skills.
Art therapy is a primary creative method of our course. Through the pictures you draw on a piece of paper we analyze your personality, find strengths and weaknesses, as well as give recommendations on your professional development.
If you strive to be employed as soon as possible, our seminars are your major assistant on the way to this goal.
Those participants who show their worth during the course better than others will be invited for an internship at the AMS communication agency and might get an opportunity to join our creative team.
Seminar program
Seminar 1: Developing emotional intelligence. Manage & interact with your emotions
How to improve your performance? How to gain your employer’s confidence as a reliable employee? After the first seminar will know how:- to express your emotions correctly and ecologically;
- to overcome your fears, understanding the reason why they appear;
- to assess the emotional state of another person through his drawing.

Seminar 2: Human performance
The second seminar is dedicated to the secrets of effectiveness. It includes the following:
- limiting beliefs and how to eliminate them;
- methods of obtaining new skills;
- how to deal with emotional exhaustion;
- recommendations on how to save up energy.

Seminar 3: Personal boundaries. Interaction with a partner
This seminar is committed to respecting personal boundaries. When working in a team it is important to know how to defend the boundaries of your personal space and treat to others’ personal space respectively.
- Work in pairs. Identifying behavioral strategies when communicating.
- Giving feedback (when communicating) helps evaluate the effectiveness of communication.
We will discuss at the seminar how well you get feedback, whether you are exposed to manipulations and respect personal boundaries of other people.

Seminar 4: Setting a goal
Do you have a dream of finding a well-paid job? Certainly, you do. However, that’s not enough. It’s just a dream, not a goal. At the seminar, we will identify and clearly outline the goal that you are going to achieve. Thanks to associations with the desired result, we activate your inner resources and come close to understanding specific demands.
Seminar 5: Leadership
Once your goal is determined then you need to understand how to make it a reality. Only leaders can achieve their goals. At first, it is necessary to understand who you are.
Leaders have an amazing skill to measure risks and resources to achieve their goals. That’s why they are eager to implement their plans. Realizing the fact that nobody else will do that instead of them, they move forward desperately on the way to their goal.
Our final seminar will be aimed at developing such qualities as:
- Responsibility. Responsibility for yourself, your life, thoughts, and actions.
- Face life’s challenges. Do not be nervous and have enough bravery to face life’s challenges.
- Communication. Leaders have to keep in contact both with like-minded people and competitors.
- Professional intuition. Clear your mind to emerge what you need from subconscious. Leaders are truly engaged in what they like to do. Then they start feeling it with their whole being.